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Crow Eagle Talks

Monday, November 27, 2006

Unseen Eye


Did you see the rainbows last night?

Crystal droplets filtered through darkness,
There for the unseen eye,
Of wonderment,
Of possession.

Within the reflected mind,
Mirrored in the shadows of shade.

Tasted, consumed,
Replenished to the light.

Did you see the rainbow today?

Thoughts Surrealistic

Unbound and Unrestrained

Sequential words falling,
On waiting paper,
Thoughts surrealistic,
Unbound by convention,
Unrestrained by religion.

Understood by some,
Unbound for receiving,
Unrestrained for accepting,
Surrealistic interpretations,
Worldly and worthy.

© 2006 by Lou Reeves

Thursday, November 23, 2006

The Nation of Quebec

Quebec has always been a province different from all the others. Its political system and laws are different. Its primary language is different. Its educational system is different. It has its own system of immigration. Anyone living in Quebec would recognize the many differences.

Now is the time for Quebec to refer to itself as the Nation of Quebec. That Simple! It should be no longer the Province of Quebec, equal to all the other provinces.

The Nation of Quebec should have a president. That sounds great.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006



chalk on walls
give messages
words on paper
give messages
words spoken
give messages
leaves on trees
give messages
exploding bombs
give messages

rain washes chalk on walls
fire burns words on paper
separation ends spoken words
leaves fall at seasons end
explosions leave carnage

time passes
everything changes
man comes and goes
only the earth survives
with creatures
which write not
speak not


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Naked Truths

naked truths

fight for freedom
down with oppression

comfort for lovers lost
through separation
through battles
hunger starvation death

criminal genocide
loss of home
separation of families
refugees in distant lands
cultures new
language lost
sadness in the air
happiness lost

tears fall on dry land
rivlets form
run to streams to oceans
sharing unhappiness
solitary grief
solitary pain
off loss
of body
of mind

naked truths

Friday, November 10, 2006

Police Brutality

From time to time we see on TV the actions, and sometimes the brutal actions of police officials against our citizens. If it were not for modern technology we would never become aware of these incidents. Without cameras and recorders the evidence that points to brutality would not be there.

When police brutality does take place there are two sides to the story. The police action is most often justified on the basis of the force exerted having been necessary. What I most often see does not agree with police statements. The police frequently have unions which come to their defense. Lawyers are also there to assist in every way possible.

What happens to the abusing and brutal officer? What happens to the abused citizen?

While under investigation police officers most often have their salaries continued although they are not on duty. This is most appropriate even though investigations may continue for quite some time. The question then comes up as to why it must take so much time. There is a story of one officer who actually completed a master’s degree in criminology during the time of an investigation, at full salary. Is this justified?

I believe that whatever rights that citizens have, these can be violated by the police.

Some officers are downright criminals.

We need the police. We deserve the best possible services that they can provide. They deserve our respect but when they do not show respect to citizens, where does that leave us? We question, we develop doubts and in the end our trust in them and our respect for them are diminished.

At times brutality and physical violence are also extended to verbal abuse and mental cruelty. Police officers sometimes show intolerance toward minority groups, older citizens, people of other languages and religions. There is a clear deficiency here. What facets of character or of moral integrity are missing?

Are there not tests that might be used to weed out applicants who have those characteristics that might lead to violence? Can training programs not include the development of sensitivity towards the aged, or individuals who might be experiencing physical or mental difficulties? Are the poor and the homeless treated in the same way as those individuals who are wealthy, who have big homes, expensive cars and no doubt political and social connections? I don't think so!

Something needs to be done!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Rumsfeld resigns

Good news! At long last, Rumsfeld resigns.

It is unfortunate that President Bush had not asked for his resignation in the past.

Rumsfeld had offered his resignation in the past but it was not accepted.

Bush was blind. Bush was deaf. Bush was dumb and dumber!

Would it not be wonderful if Bush were to resign? The Vice-president would take over. Would he be any better? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if he were to resign as well?

And then?

"B & B" Republicans

The mid-term elections are over. My predictions turned out to be quite accurate. My “desires” were met. We have a Democratic victory and the world will be the richer; American society as well. The “Bushite & Bullshit” Republicans have been rebuked!
Americans, get out of Iraq. Bring your children home.

There was a time when American mothers did not want to have their children fighting “foreign wars” on foreign soil. Where were the American mothers this time around?

What a waste of American men and women! What a waste of money. I always liked the expression: “Yankee go home.” I did not like the expression, “Ugly American.”, I still do not!

Now, the expression should be; “Americans, go home.” Return to your family and friends, return to your world that needs to have your strength and dedication to a better way of life. You have many social problems that need to be addressed and can be resolved. If you had invested all the money spent on that war in Iraq to do good for your own people, you would be a healthier and happier.

Fear has been the concern of the day since 9 / 11. Security has been the order of the day.
It has become an “industry”. It has generated a complex of control. The government has the control and the power.

Canada as a county followed the example of Americans in instituting controls for the security of the nation. Now the laws have been challenged and found wanting. Canadians have suffered incarcerations and torture in the prisons of foreign nations. Americans have contributed to these activities out of their own fears and their search for security. That is where we find ourselves today.

So, to put my remarks in simple terms: “Bushite & Bullshit” Americans, get your house in order; get out of Iraq. Drugs and pollution are the true internal enemies of Americans. This is where your security industry should be involved. Americans are being controlled by foreign countries through the illegal drug industry. Americans are living lives that will be shorter and subject to ill health because of toxic chemicals and general pollution of the environment.

Americans, get your house in order before it is too late.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006



J’entends les voix,
Portées par la douce brise,
Au-dessus des prairies,
Des arbres dépouillés,
Dans les forêts profondes
Qui ont vu tant d’hommes passer.
Courbés sous le poids de leurs armes,
Ils écoutaient les ordres :
Il fallait obéir !

Ils pensaient à leur foyer,
Leur famille, leurs amis, leur amour.
Ce n’était pas la peur qui les faisait trembler,
Mais bien le froid glacial et humide,
Et cet instant qui fige l’air,
Avant qu’éclate le vacarme des attaques lointaines :
La machine combat la machine,
Et l’Homme combat l’Homme.

Ils pensaient à leur jeunesse
En sentant la fin approcher,
Cernés par ces explosions
Qui faisaient trembler l’air et la terre,
A ce fracas surnaturel…puis soudain le Néant !

J’entends les voix
Portées par la douce brise :
« Je t’aime, je t’aime »
Ultimes paroles criées en tombant,
Que nul n’entendra jamais,
Ni leur famille, ni leurs amis, ni leur amour.

J’entends les voix
De ces camarades tombés.
Tant de jours ont passés, tant d’années !
Mais ils sont toujours là !

Je marche à travers les prés,
Parmi les fleurs et les vestiges,
Je pense aux temps impitoyables,
Aux frères tombés là.

J’entends leurs voix.

Alors, je me souviens.

© 2006 by Louis Reeves

Monday, November 06, 2006

A Voice from the North

The American mid-term elections are almost upon us! I hope that my good friends in the United States will all see the light and vote for all Democrats.

Why? Americans need to have a change in government policies that relate to foreign countries. American “democracy” is not necessarily a “good” thing for other countries.

Might does not make right. America’s way of life is not that which should be emulated by other peoples. In fact, in terms of social problems America has enough to take care off without going elsewhere to impose its form of “democracy”. All Americans in Iraq should leave that country which would save America many more lives and the heavy expense in waging an “unjustified” war. Bush was in grave error. He lives in error and the sooner the Republican majorities are reduced to minority positions the better.

It is unfortunate that most countries of the world will live under the “might” of the American president. That “might” does not make “right”; he was wrong in the past and with a tighter control over him, the world will be spared of his continuing wrong-doings.

Our North American World

Has human behaviour in North America been changing for the worse over the past ten years? It might appear so as there are so many disclosures of corruption in government among political parties, business and industrial organizations and within religious organizations.

Could it be that many disclosures are now there because of today’s technology? There is so much information on television and the internet concerning the mid-term American election with many negatives relating to political personalities. I could almost feel sorry for the individuals whose lives have been shattered by revelations but at the same time I feel that they deserve what they are getting.

The question has to be, how many more leaders are guilty of corruption and other offenses against society? We may see many early retirements or many individuals who will not want to assume leadership positions that demand “no skeletons” in their closets.
Political life is hard enough as it is and the scrutiny that may be undertaken in the future may become just too much for many.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Support our military

Support our military! Of course, we should. How? Bring them all home; the sooner the better, from Iraq and from Afghanistan. Some say that it is unpatriotic to not “support” the military in Iraq. Let it be said that the best support is to bring them home to their families and loved ones. American can’t solve the problems of the world let alone the problems at home but, at least, all efforts should be directed to the solutions of the social ills at home.  

The world would be a better place without American and Canadian military personnel in far-off lands.

When I think of Americans wanting to spread democracy around the world, to make a better world, I feel like laughing. The USA and Canada have enough problems at home relating to poverty, health, race and religion. All expenditures to support the military efforts abroad would go a long way to improve the lives of North American peoples.

The mid-term elections might bring about some changes but if the American economy and the wealth of the rich are dependent upon war, then wars will continue. The American economy has always done well before, during and after conflict abroad.

Now there is a form of internal “conflict” with an unseen enemy. This enemy consists of terrorists and many millions of dollars have gone to protect the American people from these terrorists. There is fear and more than enough generated fear to provide more dollars to “fight the enemy”; one wonders where all of this will end.

Friday, November 03, 2006

I Remember (German translation)

Ich Erinnere Mich

I hörte die Stimmen,
Getragen von sanfter Brise,
Über Wiesen, grün,
Durch Bäume, entblößt,
Wälder, unsere stillen Zeugen,
Das Hinscheiden der Männer,
Belastet durch Kriegsausrüstung,
Befehle erhalten, ausgeführt.

Gedanken an Zuhause,
Familie, Freunde und Geliebte,
Schaudern, nicht aus Angst,
Aus Kälte, Feuchtigkeit, Bewegunslose Luft,
Klänge des Gefechts aus der Entfernung,
Maschine gegen Maschine,
Mann gegen Mann.

Sie wußten, wo das Leben begann,
Sie wußten, wo das Leben enden könnte,
Explosionen überall,
Erschütterungen der Luft und Erde.
Unnatürliche Klänge, dann Dunkelheit.

I höre die Stimmen,
Getragen von sanfter Brise,
„Ich liebe dich, ich liebe dich“
Klänge niemals gehört zuvor,
Von der Familie, Freunde und Geliebte.

Ich höre die Stimmen,
Von gefallenen Kammeraden,
Tage und Jahre sind vergangen,
Aber Erinnerungen dauern an.

Ich gehe auf der Wiese,
Mitten under den Blumen,
Zwischen den Markierungen,
I denke an unverzeihliche Zeiten,
Den Verlußt der gefallen Brüder.

Ich höre die Stimmen.

Ich erinnere mich.

© 2006 by Lou Reeves

Thursday, November 02, 2006

CBC Literary Awards

Yesterday, for the first time, I submitted a poem to the CBC Literary Awards.
Yesterday was the deadline date. I made it!

There are so many fine poets competing for these awards. So, why would I participate? I have run in a dozen marathons knowing full well I would be well back in the pack, to the very end. To the winner goes much glory. To others there is the thrill of completing the race. Likewise, there will be two winners for this literary award for poetry. The first place poem will bring $6,000 to the poet and for the second place winner, all of $4,000. I look forward to reading the winning poems.

But, I am also a winner. Under some personal pressure I completed the 1,000+ word poem in time. It went through some five readings resulting in minor changes to arrive at a point of sufficient satisfaction to send it in. Now, I am pleased. Job done and now I will move onto much shorter poems, more in keeping with my earlier productivity. Yet, I must say that the two longest poems that I have written were completed within the past five days. I trust that was done as a warm-up to the somewhat longer poem for the CBC competition. Next year, if I am alive and well, my submission will be sent in before the deadline or so I say today. In any case, that is a resolution, to be my first written resolution for the New Year, 2007.