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Crow Eagle Talks

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The unwritten poem.

I thought for some time that I would write a poem today to serve as an anniversary statement about my feelings five years after the poem "September 11, 2001" which I wrote on September 12, 2001.  Here we are, five years later and I find that I have no interest in writing that poem. My blog of September 07, 2006 included the poem "September 11, 2001".

I recall how deeply I was affected by that terrible day. From December 20, 2001 through to January 5, 2002, I neither turned on my TV nor read any newspapers. I went into “seclusion” and listened to music and read a number of books. I did not want to be faced with the horrible images that we have all seen or to be exposed to on-going commentary relating to the Year 2001. I had had enough, a point of super saturation!

Yesterday I read a few words from my newspaper and caught a few of the American President’s words. I read on the internet some words from an address by the Canadian Prime Minister. I got the feeling that both these men were attempting to justify their countries involvement in war. Their solution to terrorism seems to be to fight, to kill all those individuals who can be described as terrorists before they come to North America.

What those governments should be doing is reviewing all the things that the Americans had done around the world to turn the feelings of so many against them. That would not be such a difficult task but that would be admitting to facts and there would be the ensuing feelings of guilt. But, Americans should never feel guilty. They believe in the right, but their right is simply might. America will be brought to its knees by individual terrorists even as today there is fear and that fear is being met by security measures that are costing the American public “big bucks” with no end in sight. Security is a big business. As in most business ventures, some individuals profit and live the “good life”, they eat, drink, and are quite merry, living their lives in luxury while many millions of people around the world go homeless, are hungry and lack in medical care; they suffer.

Lest we forget, where were the Americans in 1939 when many nations of the world were involved in warfare to defeat Hitler and his associates?

I would like to think that Americans in general are good and kind people. Americans are really friendly.  I have many American friends and I like them very much. So what is the problem? Can Americans really believe what their President has to say?  

We now learn about the earlier justification for the war in Iraq. Many untruths were told. Even without the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, it is said that there was a plan in place to attack Iraq. Could it be that there are war games on paper? I can see that for any country that might become an enemy there is a “war plan” and that includes Canada.

America has the might but does that give it the right to impose its will on many foreign countries? Might there be a plan in place to attack Iran? Is the American government preparing the people psychologically to accept a war there?

The Americans supported Israel in its “stupid” war against the people of Lebanon. Their justification was that two soldiers had been kidnapped by the Hezbollah and they wanted them back They had hoped to teach a lesson to one and all. But Israel learned the lesson and the Americans did too.

Now I wonder about those two soldiers. Were they really captured? Are they still alive? Is it possible that all that we have learned are lies and fabrications? Is it possible that this possible fabrication was a set-up for the “war”? This is stuff for a novel and the questions are perhaps not worthy of being written for this blog but I did get something off my chest and perhaps, just perhaps, there will be some reaction.

It is now recognized that all the heavy equipment, planes, bombs and military personnel can’t defeat terrorists on their own soil. There are lessons to be learned from American involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan and from the recent Israeli war.

So there is no poem today, just words reflecting feelings that I have today that I did not have five years ago. But there was a poem yesterday that might be read.

Five years from now, if I am still alive and you are as well my dear reader, I hope to write a poem for you.

Monday, September 11, 2006

time does pass

time does pass

respective / respectful
paths followed / destiny calling
over mountain / across valley
voices from afar
under changing clouds
with winds / rain / snow
the many seasons of life 
days of passion / wonderment
of sadness / delight / pain / pleasure
tears / smiles / laughter / song
friends / family / culture / truth / beauty
words / the poet's voice
nights following days / life continuing 
with work / good deeds 
leaving earth a better place
for our passing

© 2006 Lou Reeves

Thursday, September 07, 2006

It is all about oil...

“It is all about oil” said a young man in Bosnia. He was referring to late intervention of the Americans in the Bosnian war. Had oil been in Bosnia, the Americans would have been there much earlier. It was his belief that the Americans are central to all that takes place in the world.

There is little doubt in the minds of the educated people of the world that the United States of America is the most powerful nation in the world. They are also viewed as the wealthiest, great spenders on the luxuries of life. If viewers of film and television believe what they see, they develop a completely false image and understanding of the American situation. A much better understanding of the U.S. would be gained by reviewing what too place during the Katrina disaster and what followed for a full year. How much criminal activity took place, how much greed was displayed, how the political processes failed, all of these happenings and much more would surely provide foreign governments with a clear understanding of America the Great. American the Great was brought to its knees. America is like a two sided coin; one side shows the positives, the other the negatives. Even for many Americans, their lives are holding the view of the negatives.  Many of the systems in America need revision or improvement, to benefit all Americans. If one looks at the health care system, the education system, the political system, the employment system and the system for “sharing the wealth” of the nation, a quick conclusion could be drawn that America is sick. The country is alive but not well. Many of the maladies are curable but that would require a reshuffling of the cards of wealth. The wealthy are too much so. The poor are too much so. A distribution system to “share the wealth” is necessary. But the wheels of government are controlled by the wealthy. This has little to do with which party is in power. All that being said, it is necessary to say that there are many other nations on earth which are sick, for many of the same reasons. In fact, some nations are much sicker.

The world is sick. There are so many wars taking place. Weapons are in the hands of children and these are being used to kill “others” who are different for whatever reasons which might include language, culture and religion. Has it not been ever thus? What does history tell us?

The cry of “Yankee go home!” can still be heard and if not as loud as in the past, it still is there in the hearts and minds of many people. Could one ever have imagine that an individual could “declare war” on the United States of America? Probably not but it did take place. Since that declaration was made, American has changed. There is rampant growing fear for the security of the nation. Security as an area of employment has increased rapidly to match the fear that exists. As we approach the fifth anniversary of 9/11, that fateful day that changed the American world for ever, I would like to share a poem written on 9/12 of 2001.

September 11, 2001

This day etched forever in a mind,
A deed so cruel, so unjust, so unkind.
In disbelief we saw so much,
Knowing death would so many touch.

Our tears were shed, emotions enflamed,
Our understanding and thoughts were drained.
But many found much courage deep,
They gave their lives, now they sleep.

Thus left behind, family and friends,
And many who wonder how to make amends.
Some in anger, some in fear.
War is the word we did often hear.

But American leadership is very strong,
Voices were raised in patriotic song,
A people in crises always do unite,
The scoundrel, the villain, they will fight.

And those with wounds do suffer now,
For you in the future we do vow,
Remembrance, you served your country
When struck by the common enemy.

For in our freedom we do share.
All those who worked with much care,
To rescue all who could be saved,
So many images in our minds engraved.

This day we will never forget,
A remembrance day to beget,
A day our strength to renew,
With blessings, many to accrue!

© 2001 by Lou Reeves

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Afghanistan Today

Canadian Forces in Afghanistan have sustained a number of deaths and many casualties to date. Now that they are committed to the battle scene all Canadians at home can do is to wish the military personnel there the maximum safety and security possible. The Nation is in morning with those families which have lost members as a result of military battles.

An earlier Canadian commitment was that of helping in the reconstruction of Afghanistan. This changed to supporting the fight against the Taliban. A fight under the American led counter insurgency war in Afghanistan.

I would prefer to see Canadians involved in the destruction of this year’s poppy crop which will only fuel the drug trade in North America. No doubt the profits from drug sales will support the Taliban and strengthen the drug trade around the world.

Canada needs to set its objectives for its external affairs in keeping with the improvement of the world through the reduction of poverty, the reduction of the AIDS problems in Africa. Canada needs to be a country that supports improvement in the life circumstances of all of humanity. There is a role to play and this must be far from the killing territory of Afghanistan.

American society is turning away from supporting the Republican Party in part because of the war in Iraq.  If the Democrats are successful in the next Presidential election, will the American nation become any more secure? I believe the number one concern of Americans will be internal security. All the money spent in the support of the external wars should be used to improve the lot of Americans and to assist in the solution of the multiple social problems that exist.