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Crow Eagle Talks

Sunday, April 03, 2005

What do we believe?

We learn so much from our families. Within our homes, as children, we observe the behaviour of others, we listen to what is said and we begin to think on our own. But what we think and how we act becomes somewhat second nature to us.

The importance of the home to growing children, as they develop physically, emotionally and spiritually can not be over emphasized. Our society is dependent on the results of the upbringing of children. We find in families children who are deprived of food, nutritious food, that contributes to good health and the proper conditions for growth in all areas of living; children who are deprived of a home environment that is good for the development of wholesome language, ideas, rich in culture and a respect for others; children who are deprived of a religious or philosophical upbringing that fosters sensitivity to truth, beauty and a love of humanity and respect for all things living, find themselves later in life with inadequacies, with barriers to their enjoyment of life and unfilled opportunities to make our world a better world.

Outside the home, a child is exposed another world. This world is not controlled by parents. It is a world teaming with ideas and opportunities for both good and bad. This exposure can result in positive outcomes provided there is guidance from watchful and attentive adult supervision. Where possible, these outside supervisors need to be selected with care as should be all programming to which children are exposed.

Along the road of life one can find many distractions that promise fun, pleasures and delight which if taken, can lead to problems for the self and others. Life is a series of choices. The best living comes from lives that include many happy moments and times with family, friends and others where all that is shared comes from a spirit of goodness. That spirit that has been engendered by the positive influences of home life and the external environment that is wholesome and good, free from influences of crime and any encounters that take away from others, that which they deserve.

These tenable beliefs come from the home and that which is outside the home. The stronger the belief system coming from the home, the stronger will be the additions that come from the external environment. Our beliefs lead to actions and those actions are part of life itself.


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