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Crow Eagle Talks

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Election fever

No election has been called. The House is still in session. Perhaps it is a simple virus that has been spreading over the last few weeks. The Conservative Party would love to have an election but to date has been concerned about the many Canadians who feel that it is simply too early. Parliament has not been sitting long enough to bring forth much legislation. Some Canadians are concerned about the costs associated with an election. But there is a group, composed mostly of Liberals, who would like to postpone the election indefinitely or at least until after the sponsorship scandal report from the Gomery Commission is released in December.

To date, so much negative publicity has come out of the inquiry into the scandal that the Liberals must feel an early election will produce their downfall. There is apparent corruption within the federal Liberal Party in the Province of Quebec. So many stories have come out of the inquiry to date that most Canadians feel rather disgusted with what has taken place.

These are sad days for all Canadians, no matter to which party they belong. History is being made and our children and their children will study about these shameful times as part of the history of this country for which, in the past, there has been so much pride.

What many Canadians find hard to believe is the magnitude of the scandal. How so many intelligent individuals could bring themselves to be involved in corrupt and possibly illegal activities stretches the imagination and credulity of the masses.

I have written about my belief that all those who were involved in illegal activities should go to jail. But don’t be surprised if some will go and, unlike the Monopoly Game, they have already passed “go” and have collected their “two hundred” and much, very much more.

I say that if the past prime minister is found to be directly implicated, he should be fined heavily and should be sent to prison for an extended “holiday”, without his golf balls. For exercise he should be assigned tasks such as cleaning out the toilets of the prison and should spend a good spell of time in solitary confinement. I would show no mercy. I believe that he is at the bottom of the scandal and if not, he should have been aware of the “success” of the sponsorship program and if he was not, he is guilty of not performing his duty as the CEO of all activities on the Hill. In any case, he is a loser!

The Chretien legacy to the Canadian people has been a travesty, a cruelty performed on our society. We Canadians should not feel guilty for what has taken place. Those guilty should pay a price, a very heavy price!

Election fever is in the air. There should be an election before autumn.


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