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Crow Eagle Talks

Friday, February 10, 2006

Democracy play by Murrell

It was with a measure of pleasure that I read both the article by Matthew Harrison and the comment by Steve Landry in the Ottawa XPress ( http://www.ottawaxpress.ca )regarding the play Democracy written by John Murrell. I was inspired by both to attend a performance of the play but time has almost run out and other obligations now prevent me from attending.

Most Canadians learned something about the American Civil War from the movies like the great 1939 Oscar winning Gone With the Wind starring Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh. I had the “misfortune” of having to study American history while attending high school in the United States and later as a more mature person, the great good fortune to have studied American history at university where I became enthralled with the study of American history and in particular, the Civil War. To have listened to the words written by John Murrell and voiced through the personalities of Walt Whitman and Ralph Waldo Emmerson, as these gentlemen might have met during the American Civil War, would have been a delight. Now, I am left with the opportunity to read the play.
Although the play Democracy was written in 1990 and awarded two prizes in 1992, John Murrell was awarded many other prizes and honours for his work in the theatre including a $50,000 prize, awarded by the Canada Council for the Arts in 2002. This was the Walter Carsen Prize for Excellence in the Performing Arts. It recognized John Murrell’s “highest level of artistic excellence and distinguished career achievement.“  


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